Basic Skills for Beginners, right through to professionals!
Access all my online training videos HERE. I am constantly adding to these so its a great investment!
Hannah's Online Workshop from Hannah Lamprell on Vimeo.
PDF Guides for FREE
Choosing Your Camera
Choosing your first camera can feel like a bit of a minefield! There is so much……what to choose. It depends on your budget, what you want to shoot, and where you want to take your photography.
Click here to view my FREE PDF guide!
Lenses and what they do
Lenses – there is one for everything. I have a set of lenses I use for everything from weddings to fine art. Let me show you!
Get out of Auto!
DSLR’s in auto are pointless. Use this basic guide to get out of auto and in to full manual!
White Balance
Basic, but VERY important! Getting skin tones correct is based on getting your white balance correct FIRST!
Click here to view my FREE PDF guide!
This is your artistic eye……how you organise your photo so the viewers eye is drawn to what you want it to look at. Very important. I will show you how I use composition in my own images, and some constructive criticism on old images with a re-edit to show the improvement.
What do all the buttons do?
You have just got your new camera, you sit down to start and all you see is abreviations you have never heard of. Frantically google and end up more confused and frustrated than before! Let me guide you through what you need to know.
Setting up your photography business
What are the first steps to starting up a business
Centre Weight, what is this?
View alongside my how to set up your camera video!
I use natural/available light for 99% of my work. The only exception is the dance floor at a wedding